Reliable Instruments House
Welcome to the world of science equipment ...
We pioneer in the field of Optical Bench & Accessories, Experiment Kits, Spectrometers,
Interferometer, Opto-Mechanics, Optics and other general equipment.
Our Clients Testimonials
We always hire Reliable Instruments House for our Experimental Instruments and customized products. They take initiative and call us with their questions or suggestions. I also feel that they understands our needs as a independent store. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone at Reliable Instrument for your hard work and dedication.
We are using Michelson Interferometer as well as opto-mechaninical components like laser mounts, fiber holders and mounts developed and manufactured by Reliable Instruments House , Ambala Cantt. for our Master and Research Laboratories and found its performance and quality of the standard of any good international suppliers.