Objective: To plot Static & Transfer Characteristics.
Trainer Specification:
Trainer used to study characteristics
- Photo diode
- Photo transistor
- Photo volatiac cell
- Opto coupler mct2e
Kit comprises of 3 MR65 Type Analog meters
- Voltmeter 1V/10V
- Ammeter 10mA
- Ammeter 5/50/500mA
Two IC Regulated power supplies are given on-board
- Power Supply 10Vat 100mA
- Power Supply 10V at 100mA
- Front plate built with high class insulated Printed Circuit Board sheet with well printed circuits and symbols.
- Components are mounted on board the panels are
- LED red
- Photo diode
- Photo transistor
- Photovoltaic cell
- Opto coupler mct2e
- LDR 5mm
- Supplied with instruction manual.
- Operated on Mains power 230V, 50Hz.
- Supplied with sufficient nos. of patch cords & power inlet cable
- Supply provided through the 3 pin computer socket with appropriate fuse
- The trainer is housed in plastic cabinet to avoid shock
- Size of the trainer set 12”x8”